Taylor Communications Company

Customer Service Centers

Photo of a female support analyst ready to take a call

With today’s continued focus on customer satisfaction, customer retention, and the lifetime value of the customer, it is no surprise that customer support center operations continue to increase in importance as a primary hub of a customer’s experience. Taylor Communications recognizes that for our customers, the associate on the other end of the phone is the face of our company.

Taylor Communications operates three dedicated customer support centers strategically located across the country:  Toccoa, Ga.; Dayton, Ohio; and Tempe, Ariz.  Through recent optimization initiatives, we have re-engineered workflow to increase productivity and better serve our customers. 

Customer Service Centers

  • Toccoa, Georgia: (800) 755-6405
  • Dayton, Ohio: (866) 541-0937
  • Tempe, Arizona: (800) 877-0723
  • SR Direct: (800) 695-9893
  • SR Supplies: (800) 926-7806

By means of our customer service centers, we provide customers with Tiered Support services to execute the best possible service in the most efficient manner possible.

  • Customer Call Centers provide Tier 1-level support for technology-related inquiries, troubleshooting for SMARTworks procurement/print management software, order status and more.
  • Management Services is responsible for managing customer inventory and provides visibility into accounts through detailed reporting, inventory analysis and more. 

Each customer service associate understands their level of responsibility and commitments, their customer response time commitments, and when to appropriately escalate an issue and to which level, ensuring day-to-day customer transactions are met with the proper support.