Taylor Communications Company

Taylor Communications Industrial
Green Initiatives

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The Industrial business unit recognizes its responsibility and commitment to the environment and to the communities in which we work and serve. The business unit, along with parent company Taylor Communications, continues to grow its green initiatives while looking for new ways to reduce non-recyclable waste as well as lessen and eliminate environmental hazards.

Ensuring Eco-Friendly Production
Through a very close partnership with our primary material suppliers, Standard Register has obtained certification for several of their printing facilities with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). These certifications ensure that papers used in the printing process are from sustainable forests.

Eco-Friendly Across All Businesses and Facilities
Throughout Taylor Communications and the Industrial business unit, several initiatives are in place in order to make our manufacturing facilities as well as our corporate offices more eco-friendly. Examples of these initiatives include:

  • Contracting with a certified energy consultant to find ways to reduce our energy usage and to conduct a carbon footprint analysis for the entire company
  • Reducing our liquid hazardous waste
  • A vast expansion of our corporate recycling program
  • Using water-based, non-hazardous inks for label production 

Industramark Printing Facilities
Within the U.S., Industrial operates two printing facilities, located in Dayton, Ohio and Tampa, Florida. Each of these facilities have undergone extensive analysis in order to identify areas where we can be more eco-friendly and capitalize on our company-wide green initiatives. Both plants continue to demonstrate “green” excellence.

Dayton Plant:

  • Participation in the greatly-expanded corporate recycling program
  • Use of only soy and water-soluble inks
  • Production of label materials—Grafilm® and Thinfilm—that are fully recyclable
  • The patented Grafilm material offers additional green attributes, including:
    • Contains no cellulose-based materials and does not contribute to forest harvesting
    • Is non-toxic and does not contain any ozone-depleting constituents
    • When incinerated, the material yields water, CO2, energy and a clean ash as a result of its silica filler
    • Exceeds FDA requirements for food contact and complies with all child safety regulations

Tampa Plant:

  • SFI and FSC certified, ensuring that the paper we use comes from sustainable forests
  • Use of only soy and water-soluble inks
  • Zero waste to landfill
  • Waste that cannot be recycled is incinerated. The waste is burned at high temperatures in waste-fired boilers to generate steam, which is routed to a turbine generator to make electricity. Metals separated from the ash after combustion are also recycled.
  • Working with recyclers to educate employees on what can be recycled
Request more information about Industramark and and our green initiatives.