Taylor Communications Company

Patient Registration

Case in Point

SMARTworks Clinical Enterprise has helped a large urban medical center enhance registration efficiency while improving the patient experience for its diverse patient population by producing documentation on demand in one of 66 languages.  Read about the impact this technology has had hospital-wide.

Photo of a female nurse helping a patient in a wheelchair

Healthcare CIOs agree: a successful EMR implementation must be built on a foundation of sound document practices and processes. Those who have neglected the prerequisites of document management have had to retrace steps and incur additional costs. Taylor Communications provides the foundational support and ongoing technology services to support EMR.

Are your registration areas relying on antiquated embossing systems, preprinted forms, illegibly-produced patient wristbands and labels, and photo-copied documents?  Then it’s likely your admissions process is slow, creating frustration and anxiety for your patients and your staff.  What’s worse, these manual, paper-driven processes are error-prone, posing a risk to patient safety and compliance.

Transform the Registration Process
Standard Register’s SMARTworks® Clinical Enterprise gives you the means to transform your registration process.  Working with your existing network and applications, it automatically creates:

  • Legible, bar-coded face sheets, consents, wristbands, labels
  • Complete kits with patient demographic information on each
  • All the right information on the right forms
  • Accurate, compliant, EMR-ready 

Establish Positive Patient Identification
Patient photos can be captured and integrated into EMR, too, to establish positive patient identification.  So they appear on every paper or electronic document or label from admissions through discharge to:

  • Helps assure the right patient receives right tests, diagnosis, treatments
  • Enhances patient safety
  • Facilitates more accurate billing.

Automate for Greater Efficiency
To further optimize your registration process and support your EMR, this powerful workflow technology will give you the ability to: