Taylor Communications Company

Electronic Admission Notifications

Photo of a female nurse helping a patient in a wheelchair

Photo of a stethoscope on moneyHelp Avoid Payment Reductions
You have enough challenges to deal with in Admissions, without having to worry about providing timely notification of patient admissions to payers or physicians.  You focus on the patient.  We’ll focus on the notifications.

Meet Admission Notification Requirements -- Immediately
SMARTworks® Clinical Enterprise will make it happen:

  • Immediate admission notifications generated electronically
  • Rules-based solution customizes what and when they’re sent
  • No staff training or intervention required
  • Automatic notification helps assure compliance
  • Fully transparent to the patient and staff
  • Helps avoid unnecessary payment reductions
  • Improves continuity of care

You have enough people taking a slice of your payments.  Rely on us to help you meet payer requirements and optimize revenues.  We’ll help you get there.