Taylor Communications Company

Awards & Honors

Business Partner of the Year — Prospect, Inc Vendor Excellence Award — HealthTrust Masters of Quality Supplier Award — Daimler Trucks Platinum Supplier Award — MedAssets

Taylor Communications has appeared on the prestigious InformationWeek 500 listing of the most innovative users of information technology in the U.S. during the last ten years.  It placed first among manufacturing firms in 2007.

Taylor Communications ranked #16 in the 2009 GAM 101, published by Graphic Arts Monthly magazine and Graphic Arts Blue Books. In its 26th year of ranking top printing companies in the United States and Canada, the GAM 101 is based on sales revenues and takes into consideration product mix, number of employees, manufacturing sites and other salient information.

Taylor Communications received the 2008 Masters of Quality Supplier Award from Daimler Trucks North America, the leading heavy-duty truck manufacturer in North America. The award, which Taylor Communications has received for six years, is the highest recognition that Daimler Trucks gives to its suppliers, representing the best of the best (top 1%) among suppliers providing parts and components to Daimler Trucks businesses.

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption recognized Taylor Communications as one of the Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces in the country for 2008. Receiving this recognition for the second straight year, Taylor Communications ranked eighth on the list of Ohio's Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces.

Taylor Communications was named 2009 Business Partner of the Year by Prospect, Inc., a provider of support services and employment to people with disabilities or other barriers to personal independence.  The award is in recognition of the extraordinary interest shown by Taylor Communications in those who receive support services from the agency.

Taylor Communications was named "One of the Top 17 Safest Companies to Work For," by Occupational Hazards magazine. In addition, the company has also been an active member of the National Safety Council for 20 years.

Comerica Bank gave Taylor Communications its highest honor for suppliers—the National Quality Excellence Vendor Award.  The award is in recognition of continuous professionalism, dedication and support of Comerica’s vision and core values.  

In 2008 and 2009, HealthTrust Purchasing Group honored Taylor Communications Healthcare with its Vendor Excellence Award. SR was one of just 10 companies, chosen from among HealthTrust’s 435 contracted suppliers to receive this distinction.  The award is based on outstanding customer service to member healthcare facilities, excellent product quality and service, the accuracy and timeliness of submitting reports, rebates and administrative fees, as well as Taylor Communication’s commitment to diversity. 

Premier Purchasing Partners, LP honored Taylor Communications Healthcare with its 2010 Supplier Performance Award in recognition of our outstanding management of Premier agreements and our support in providing clinical and financial value to the more than 2,100 Premier members that are not-for-profit hospitals.  This is the fifth consecutive year SR was recognized with this coveted award.

In 2010, MedAssets Supply Chain Services presented its Gold Supplier award to Taylor Communications Healthcare.  This the  fourth consecutive year SR has been recognized for the value it brings as a business partner to MedAssets, a supplier to its members and a supporter of MedAssets social responsibility initiatives.

Taylor Communications ranked #5 for Document Processing Outsourcing in a study conducted by Doug Brown and Scott Wilson, authors of The Black Book of Outsourcing (Wiley). The authors issue over 80 outsourcing rankings per year covering 1000 vendors in 40 industries.

In 2007, Taylor Communication's Murfreesboro, Tenn., plant received a proclamation from the state recognizing its significant safety milestone—nine consecutive years without a lost time accident.

Taylor Communications ranked #15 in the 2008 Printing Impressions 400, published by Printing Impressions magazine. In its 25th year, the PI 400 provides the industry’s most comprehensive ranking of the leading printing companies in the United States and Canada.

Taylor Communications was named one of three finalists for the 2007 Service Business of the Year in the Dayton Business Journal’s sixth annual competition. Service Business of the Year entrants included retailers, construction companies, real estate firms, technology service providers, professional service providers, for-profit health care services and printers.